Surprise Brownies Recipe


• Cream cheese 200 gm
• Vanilla essence ½ tsp
• Caster sugar 9 oz
• Eggs 2
• Butter 100 gm
• Cocoa powder 3 tbsp
• Self raising flour 100 gm
• Walnuts 50 gm (chopped)
• For Frosting:
• Butter 4 tbsp
• Milk 1 tbsp
• Icing sugar 100 gm
• Cocoa powder 2 tbsp
• Walnuts (halved) for garnishing (optional)


1. Beat cream cheese, vanilla essence and 2, ½ tbsp of caster sugar together. Set aside.
2. Beat eggs and remaining sugar till light and fluffy.
3. Heat butter and cocoa gently.
4. Cool slightly and add it in the eggs mixture.
5. Fold in flour and nuts.
6. Pour half of the brownie mixture into a greased 8” tin and carefully spread the cream cheese mixture on it.
7. Cover with remaining mixture.
8. Bake at 180° C in a pre-heated oven for 40 minutes.
9. Cool in tin for at least 6 hours.
10. For Frosting: Melt butter, add milk, cocoa and sugar.
11. Mix and spread over the brownies and garnish with halved walnuts.

 Surprise Brownies Recipe
 Surprise Brownies Recipe
